Georges Stein The Champs Elysees - Paris Framed Painting

Georges Stein The Champs Elysees - Paris Framed Painting
US $240.24US $456.46-47%
Select Georges Stein The Champs Elysees - Paris art painting with frame
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Interpreted by other artist is hand painted reproduction, it takes about 18 working days to your hand; Giclee printed by machine is print on textured canvas, it takes about 5 days to your hand. Both waterproof!

About Framed Paintings

Framed Paintings is one of the 3 best companies offering handmade oil paintings and prints online. We offer and focus on the most popular frames which can be used to create museum-quality masterpieces. All framed paintings are assembled, packaged, and shipped by our expert framing staff within 3 - 5 days and arrive "ready to hang" with pre-attached hooks and nails. Our own frame workshop allows us to offer you frame at bottom price. Typically 35 -65% less than retail frame shops.

If Georges Stein The Champs Elysees - Paris is printed by machine on textured canvas, it takes about 5 working days to your address; if you choose it as hand painted reproduction, it takes about 18 working days to your address. Please keep in mind that all of our products are waterproof on textured canvas! We ship The Champs Elysees - Paris all over the world.

Our return policy is very simple:

If you're not happy with Georges Stein The Champs Elysees - Paris that you made on, for any reason, you can return it to us within 50 days of the order date. As soon as it arrives, we'll issue a full refund for the entire purchase price. Please note - does not reimburse the outgoing or return shipping charges unless the return is due to a defect in quality.

We sell thousands of pieces of artwork each month - all with a 100% money-back guaranteed.

If you want to purchase mueseum artwork at discount price, why not give us a try? You will save a lot more!

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